Kickin it Off the Grid
Over 600,000 people are released from prison each year. Over 2/3 return to prison within 3 years. Why is this and what factors contribute to these insane numbers? I'll introduce you to the people on the ground trying to make a difference by working with the individuals coming out of prison and the correctional systems looking for better outcomes. We'll learn about both sides' internal and external barriers and how the Recovery world is now integrating with reentry through Peer support. This is how the private sector can bring about real reform. Buckle up!
Kickin it Off the Grid
Season 2 Intro to Kickin it off the Grid
Rocky DeYoung
Season 2
Episode 1
Start here! Get a feel for what this is about and what we are focused on. I'll be interviewing people and organizations I've known and worked with over the past 3 decades.